2d Shapes Worksheets
Identifying 2d Shapes

Welcome to the 2nd Grade Math Salamanders 2d Shapes Worksheets page.

Here you will find our selection of free shape worksheets to help you child to recognise and name some of the 2d shapes they will meet at 2nd grade.

The main focus on this page is the identification of different types of triangles: equilateral, isosceles and scalene, as well as right, acute and obtuse.

During 2nd grade, children are introduced to a wider range of 2d and 3d shapes.

Children also start to look more closely at the properties shapes have to categorise them. Symmetry is introduced at this level, and children learn to find lines of symmetry by folding shapes or using mirrors. Children are encouraged to look more closely at shapes to recognise the differences between how the shapes are made up. Curved sides and straight sides in 2 dimensions, and curved and flat surfaces in 3 dimensions are identified.

At a 2nd grade level, children should learn to:

  • categorise triangles into right, equilateral and isosceles special cases;
  • categorise members of the quadrilateral family according to their properties;
  • identify a range of 3d shapes such as cylinders, spheres, cones, prisms and cuboids;
  • identify lines of symmetry;
  • identify a shape which has been flipped or folded.

2D Shapes Worksheets

Need to be able to identify 2d shapes?

Looking for some worksheets to help you to identify some common 2d shapes?

Do you want some help getting to know your types of triangles?

Then this page should hopefully be what you are looking for!

The worksheets and resources on this page should help you to identify a range of 2d shapes and give your child an opportunity to practice their 2d shape knowledge with some useful worksheets.

There is a range of worksheets - some with the shapes in 'usual' orientations and some with shapes in different orientations to help children to become familiar with the properties of the shapes and get used to shapes in different positions.

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • name a range of 2d shapes;
  • identify different types of triangles;
  • learn some simple properties of 2d shapes;
  • recognise 2d shapes in different orientations.

Want to test yourself to see how well you have understood this skill?.

  • Try our NEW quick quiz at the bottom of this page.

An overview of common 2d Shapes

Have a look at some of the common 2d shapes that children should know at a 2nd grade level.

Some of the main properties are also listed for your information.

Equilateral Triangle

geometric shapes equilateral triangle

  • Equilateral triangles have all angles equal to 60°, and all sides equal length.
  • All equilateral triangles have 3 lines of symmetry.

Isoscles Triangle

Isosceles triangle

  • Isosceles triangles have 2 angles equal and 2 sides of equal length.
  • All isosceles triangles have a line of symmetry.

Scalene Triangle

scalene triangle

  • Scalene triangles have no angles equal, and no sides of equal length.

Right Triangle

right triangle or right angled triangle

  • Right triangles (or right angled triangles) have one right angle (equal to 90°).

Obtuse Triangle

obtuse triangle

  • Obtuse triangles have one obtuse angle (an angle greater than 90°).
  • The other two angles are acute (less than 90°).

Acute Triangle

acute triangle

  • Acute triangles have all angles acute.
  • This means that all of the angles are less than 90°


list of geoemtric shapes square

  • Squares have 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.
  • They have 4 lines of symmetry.
  • All squares belong to the rectangle family.
  • All squares belong to the rhombus family.
  • All squares are also parallelograms.


list of geometric shapes rectangle

  • Rectangles have 4 sides and 4 right angles.
  • They all have 2 lines of symmetry (4 lines if they are also a square!)
  • All rectangles belong to the parallelogram family.


list of geometric shapes rhombus

  • Rhombuses (rhombii) have 4 equal sides.
  • Both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
  • They all have 2 lines of symmetry (4 lines if they are a square!)
  • All rhombuses belong to the parallelogram family.


list of geometric shapes parallelogram

  • Parallelograms have 2 pairs of parallel sides.
  • Some parallelograms have lines of symmetry (depending on whether they are also squares, rectangles or rhombuses), but most do not.
  • All parallelograms have rotational symmetry.

Trapezoid US
(Trapezium UK)

quadrilateral family trapezium

  • Trapezoids (called Trapeziums in the UK) have one pair of parallel sides.
  • Some trapezoids have a line of symmetry.
  • Some trapezoids have a right angle.

Please note the differences between the definitions for US and UK.

Trapezium US
(Trapezoid UK)

Trapezium US

  • Trapeziums US (called Trapezoids in the UK) are quadrilaterals with no pairs of parallel sides.

Please note the differences between the definitions for US and UK.

Regular Shapes Irregular Shapes

Pentagon (Regular)

2d shapes regular pentagon

5 sides

All sides and angles equal

Irregular Pentagon

irregular pentagon

5 sides

Hexagon (Regular)

shapes for kids regular hexagon

6 sides

All sides and angles equal

Irregular Hexagon

list of geometric shapes irregular hexagon

6 sides

Octagon (Regular)

2d shape regular octagon

8 sides

All sides and angles equal

Irregular Octagon

geometric shapes irregular octagon

8 sides

2d Shapes Worksheets

The worksheets have been divided into 2 different sections.

The first section is all about different types of triangles - equilateral, isosceles, scalene, as well as right, acute and obtuse triangles.

The second section worksheets involve tracing and naming common 2d shapes that you will find on this page.

The third section is the hardest section and involves trying to draw different 2d shapes using a dotty grid to help. This section is a great way to extend more able mathematicians.

Due to the differences in shape terminology in US and UK, some of the worksheets have 2 different versions.

Identifying Triangles

Name and Trace the 2d Shapes

Can you Draw It? Worksheets

More Recommended Math Worksheets

Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.

Transformation Worksheets (2d)

This webpage is all about identifying different transformations for 2d shapes.

Transformations on 2d shapes are explored in the following areas:

  • enlarging;
  • reducing;
  • reflecting or flipping;
  • rotating or turning.

Using these 2d shapes worksheets will help your child to explore and identify different transformations that can be done on 2d shapes.

3D Shape Worksheets

Here you will find our 3d shape worksheets for second graders. The sheets involve naming and noticing some of the properties that 3d shapes have.

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • learn the name of common 3d shapes;
  • learn to recognise some of the simple properties that 3d shapes;
  • categorise the 3d shapes by different criteria.

All the sheets in this section will help your child to become more familiar with many of the 3d shapes around them, and learn about some of their properties.

Geometry Riddles

Using riddles is a fun and interesting way to see whether your child can apply their geometry knowledge to solve problems. The riddles in this section are all about 2d and 3d shapes, and your child has to identify the correct shape from a selection based on the information in the riddle.

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • apply their geometry knowledge to solve a range of problems.

All the sheets in this section will help your child to apply and consolidate their geometry learning.

Identify 2D Shapes Online Quiz 1

Our quizzes have been created using Google Forms.

At the end of the quiz, you will get the chance to see your results by clicking 'See Score'.

This will take you to a new webpage where your results will be shown. You can print a copy of your results from this page, either as a pdf or as a paper copy.

For incorrect responses, we have added some helpful learning points to explain which answer was correct and why.

We do not collect any personal data from our quizzes, except in the 'First Name' and 'Group/Class' fields which are both optional and only used for teachers to identify students within their educational setting.

We also collect the results from the quizzes which we use to help us to develop our resources and give us insight into future resources to create.

For more information on the information we collect, please take a look at our Privacy Policy

We would be grateful for any feedback on our quizzes, please let us know using our Contact Us link, or use the Facebook Comments form at the bottom of the page.

This quick quiz tests your knowledge and skill at indentifying 2D shapes and some of their properties.


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How to Print or Save these sheets

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Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!


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