Welcome to our Bar Graphs 2nd Grade page.
Here you will find our selection of free bar graph worksheets to help your child learn to read, interpret and draw bar graphs at a second grade level.
As well as bar graphs, there are also some picture graph worksheets on this page which are also a great way to get children familiar with looking at dats in different formats.
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At a 2nd grade level, most children will already have seen bar graphs and know what they look like.
We start increasing the level of complexity of the questions, asking children to compare the sizes of different bars, asking 'how many more...?' type questions.
We also start looking at bar graphs where the scale does not go up in ones, but in twos as well.
On this page there are a wide variety of bar and picture graphs on a variety of different topics.
The worksheets on this page focus on simple analysis of bar graphs, though some of the activities also involve drawing the correct size bars on the graphs.
There are also several picture graphs on this page, which is good place to start when looking at bar graphs.
Children can see what the pictures are and how many of each picture there are. It is less abstract than looking at bars.
With the picture graphs, each picture represents either one or two units.
Using these bar graphs 2nd grade will help your child to:
The worksheets have been split up into 2 different sections below.
The first section contains picture graph worksheets, and the second section contains bar graph worksheets.
These worksheets are at an easier level than those on this page.
They involve reading and interpreting simple questions about bar graphs and picture graphs.
The scale on these bar graphs go up in ones.
Using the link below will open up the main Math-Salamanders website in a new window.
These worksheets are at a harder level than those on this page.
They involve reading and interpreting more complex bar graphs going up in a range of different scales.
There are a selection of bar graphs, including graphs involving real-life data such as tree heights or insect speeds.
The questions involving the data are also harder.
Using the link below will open the webpage on the math-salamanders main website in a new browser window.
Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.
If you are looking for some 2nd grade venn diagram worksheets then take a look at our latest selection.
We have a range of simple venn diagram worksheets which involve classifying and sorting a range of objects with different criteria.
Our venn diagram worksheets include sorting animals, shapes and numbers.
These sheets involve reading and interpreting a range of line plots.
This quick quiz tests your knowledge and skill at reading and interpreting bar graphs at a 2nd grade level..
Using the link below will open our main site, math-salamanders.com in a new browser window.
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