Welcome to the 2nd Grade Math Salamanders Beginning Multiplication Worksheets.
Here you will find our selection of free multiplication worksheets to help your child learn all about multiplication and how it works using arrays as models.
Multiplication is introduced as a concept around Grade 2.
Unlike addition and subtracting, multiplication is a concept that does not come naturally to many children. Quite a lot of time may need to be dedicated in developing children's understanding of what multiplcation is and how it works. Time spent doing this is time well spent, so that children become more confident with their understanding of multiplication before they continue their journey into the multiplication table and solving multiplication problems.
The multiplication learning in 2nd Grade underpins future learning of the multiplication table, and the standard multiplication algorithm learnt in future grades.
During 2nd grade, children should be learning the following multiplication skills:
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Understanding Multiplication using Arrays
Understanding what multiplication looks like is a key step to understanding multiplication itself.
There are 2 different models for multiplication which tend to be used in different countries: the 'lots of' model and the 'multiplied by' model
The 'Lots of' Model
3x4 is 3 'lots of' 4 which is 4+4+4.
5x2 is 5 'lots of' 2 which is 2+2+2+2+2.
The 'Multiplied by' Model
3x4 is 3 'multiplied by' 4 which is 3+3+3+3.
5x2 is 5 multiplied by 2 which is 5+5.
The 'Lots of' Model Visually
In the example above, 3 x 4 has been written as a repeated addition using 3 'lots of' 4, shown as jumping along a number line, and also as an array or image.
The 'Multiplied by' Model Visually
In the example above, 3 x 4 has been written as a repeated addition using 3 'multiplied by' 4, shown as jumping along a number line, and also as an array or image.
Beginning Multiplication Worksheets
The following worksheets are all about learning to understand how multiplication works using arrays.
These sheets will give your child a good grounding in basic multiplication, and will help give them a mental picture in their heads of what it is all about.
An answer sheet is available for each worksheet provided.
The worksheets have been split into 2 sections: one for the 'lots of' model ,and one section for the 'multiplied by' model.
Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:
All the sheets in this section will help your child to develop their understanding of multiplication.
Our quizzes have been created using Google Forms.
At the end of the quiz, you will get the chance to see your results by clicking 'See Score'.
This will take you to a new webpage where your results will be shown. You can print a copy of your results from this page, either as a pdf or as a paper copy.
For incorrect responses, we have added some helpful learning points to explain which answer was correct and why.
We do not collect any personal data from our quizzes, except in the 'First Name' and 'Group/Class' fields which are both optional and only used for teachers to identify students within their educational setting.
We also collect the results from the quizzes which we use to help us to develop our resources and give us insight into future resources to create.
For more information on the information we collect, please take a look at our Privacy Policy
We would be grateful for any feedback on our quizzes, please let us know using our Contact Us link, or use the Facebook Comments form at the bottom of the page.
This quick quiz tests your understanding of multiplication using the 'Lots of' model.
Our quizzes have been created using Google Forms.
At the end of the quiz, you will get the chance to see your results by clicking 'See Score'.
This will take you to a new webpage where your results will be shown. You can print a copy of your results from this page, either as a pdf or as a paper copy.
For incorrect responses, we have added some helpful learning points to explain which answer was correct and why.
We do not collect any personal data from our quizzes, except in the 'First Name' and 'Group/Class' fields which are both optional and only used for teachers to identify students within their educational setting.
We also collect the results from the quizzes which we use to help us to develop our resources and give us insight into future resources to create.
For more information on the information we collect, please take a look at our Privacy Policy
We would be grateful for any feedback on our quizzes, please let us know using our Contact Us link, or use the Facebook Comments form at the bottom of the page.
This quick quiz tests your understanding of multiplication using the 'Multiplied by' model.
Looking for more worksheets like these?
Try the free Understanding Multiplication Worksheets at the Math Salamanders!
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Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.
Using Multiplication as Repeated Addition
The following webpage involve understanding multiplication as repeated addition.
The sheets in this section are more challenging than the array sheets, as they are not based around visual models for support.
Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:
All the sheets in this section will help your child to develop his or her multiplication understanding.
Multiplication to 5x5
The following webpages involve learning multiplication facts to 5x5.
The sheets in this section are for children who already have a solid grounding in what multiplication is and how it works. They involve the skill of adding multiplying numbers to 5x5.
Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:
All the multiplication worksheets in this section will help your child to develop their speed and accuracy at multiplying.
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