Copyright Statement

Here is the copyright statement for the resources on our site.

Please read it carefully if you are unsure whether you can use our materials or not.

Copyright Statement

All materials on the Math Salamanders websites, including free Math sheets, Math games, flash cards, images, and generated HTML are copyrighted Maths Salamanders Limited.

These materials may not be added to any other server without written permission from Math Salamanders Limited. The worksheets may not be re-distributed and/or stored on other servers in HTML, PDF, GIF or any other electronics means.

Materials on the web site may be listed with the proper description on other web sites. Links for viewing and downloading materials must take the user either directly to the 2nd Grade Math Salamanders web site,, or a specific webpage within the website.

Please feel free to utilize images and sheets for personal use, classroom and homeschool purposes, etc. Users may freely print, copy, or digitally distribute worksheets for personal or educational use.

The use of Math Salamanders materials for commercial purposes (i.e. revenue generation) is strictly prohibited.

All the Math Salamanders logos and/or the Math Salamanders copyright statement must continue to appear at the top/bottom of all worksheets. No modifications are allowed to the logo or any original text describing Math Salamanders.

Thank you for honoring our copyright. The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using our free Math resources for kids.

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Whether you are looking for a free Homeschool Math Worksheet collection, banks of useful Math resources for teaching kids, or simply wanting to improve your child's Math learning at home, there is something here at the Math Salamanders for you!

The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.

We welcome any comments about our site on the Facebook comments box at the bottom of every page.

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Newton the Number Newt

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Take a look at our new 2nd Grade Maths Games ebook!

Grading Guide

Here is the grading guide for our worksheets.


2nd Grade Worksheet Logo White

White is the easiest level for children at their early stages in 2nd grade.


2nd Grade Worksheet Logo Orange

Orange - this is the medium level of difficulty for children who are becoming more confident and working at the expected level in 2nd grade.


2nd Grade Worksheet Logo Purple

Purple - this is the hardest level for children who are nearly ready for 3rd grade math, or need that extra challenge.


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