Welcome to our Expanded Form and Standard Form Worksheets area.
Here you will find our free worksheet generator for generating your own place value worksheets involving converting numbers between standard form and expanded form.
If you are looking to create your own custom-made place value worksheets then look no further!
Standard form is the usual way of writing number using digits.
Expanded form is when you write the place value of each digit separated by addition symbols (+).
Getting students to convert between standard form and expanded form is a great way of developing place value skills and think about what each digit of a number represents.
Using the random sheet generator will allow you to:
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Here is our random worksheet generator for converting numbers between standard formand expanded form.
Using this generator will let you create worksheets about:
At a 2nd grade, students should be able to convert numbers with 3-digits into standard form and back.
Our Standard to Expanded Form Worksheets generator has several special features:
4 Steps to Your Worksheets...
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Follow these step-by-step instructions to convert a 3-digit number from standard form to expanded form.
This means that 347 = 300 + 40 + 7
The first digit is an 8; the place value is 800.
The second digit is a 2; the place value is 20.
The third digit is a 6; the place value is 6.
So 826 = 800 + 20 + 6
The first digit is an 9; the place value is 900.
The second digit is a 0; the place value is 0.
The third digit is a 8; the place value is 8.
So 908 = 900 + 0 + 8 or 900 + 8
The first digit is an 7; the place value is 70.
The second digit is a 5; the place value is 5.
So 75 = 70 + 5
The first digit is a 5; the place value is 500.
The second digit is a 6; the place value is 60.
The third digit is a 0; the place value is 0.
So 560 = 500 + 60 + 0 or 500 + 60
Follow these step-by-step instructions to convert a 3-digit number from expanded form to standard form.
This means that 200 + 10 + 8 = 218
The expanded form is in the correct order (hundreds + tens + ones) so we do not need to rewrite this.
There are 3 hundreds, so the hundreds digit is 3.
There are 8 tens, so the tens digit is 8.
There are 2 ones, so the ones digit is 2.
So 300 + 80 + 2 = 382
The expanded form is in the correct order (hundreds + tens + ones) so we do not need to rewrite this.
There are 9 hundreds, so the hundreds digit is 9.
There are 5 tens, so the tens digit is 5.
There are 7 ones, so the ones digit is 7.
So 900 + 50 +7 = 957
The expanded form is not in the correct order, so we will rewrite it.
20 + 4 + 100 = 100 + 20 + 4
There is 1 hundred, so the hundreds digit is 1.
There are 2 tens, so the tens digit is 2.
There are 4 ones, so the ones digit is 4.
So 20 + 4 + 100 = 124
The expanded form is in the correct order but there are no tens to add on. We can rewrite this.
700 + 2 = 700 + 0 + 2
There are 7 hundreds, so the hundreds digit is 7.
There are 0 tens, so the tens digit is 0. This zero is important!
There are 2 ones, so the ones digit is 2.
So 700 + 2 = 702
The 0 for the number of tens is very important and is called a placeholder. It keeps all the digits in their proper places.
Without the 0 for a tens digit, we get 700 + 2 = 72 which is a common mistake!
Here are some of our other related worksheets and resources you might want to look at.
In our Math Place Value Practice area, you can practice your place value skills, combining thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
You can also test your place value knowledge by entering the value of a given digit in a number.
You can select the numbers you want to practice with, and print out your results when you have finished.
These worksheets involve finding the value of different digits in a 3-digit number.
The sheets are randomly generated so you get a different one each time!
As well as 3-digit numbers, you can also generate 2-digit and 4-digit numbers to find the value for.
We also have some graded place value worksheets for a range of different levels.
The sheets in the links below are not randomly generated, but have been carefully selected to progress your child through their addition learning.
The worksheets in this section are all about reading and writing a range of 3 digit numbers.
Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:
These 2nd grade place value worksheets will help your child to become more confident handling 3 digit numbers.
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