Welcome to the 2nd Grade Math Salamanders Free Math Puzzles for Addition and Subtraction.
Here you will find our selection of puzzles to help your child practice and develop their addition and subtraction skills.
Free Math Puzzles - Addition and Subtraction
The following puzzles involve solving addition and subtraction puzzles at a 2nd grade level.
Each puzzle on the page has been created for different ability levels within second grade so you should be able to find a suitable puzzle to meet your child's needs.
Each math puzzle comes complete with its own answer sheet.
Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:
Number Crosswords
The number crosswords we have involve finding sets of 3 numbers in a straight line that make a specific total.
It is a good activity for develop quick recall of addition facts and also finding different possibilities.
The easy sheet involves number bonds to 10. The medium sheet involves numbers bonds to 20. The harder sheet involves number bonds to 30.
Follow the Path
Follow the Path puzzle is all about finding the path with the correct total from the start to the finish.
It is good for developing rapid recall of addition facts and also finding possibilities.
The easiest sheet involves adding numbers to 20. The medium sheet involves numbers to 30 and the hardest sheet has numbers to 50.
Tree Addition Puzzle
This free math puzzle involves working out the total of pairs of adjacent numbers to give the number above.
However, it can also be used for developing subtraction facts when the answer to the addition is given but an addend is missing.
There are 3 different puzzles available - the easiest puzzle involves much lower numbers. The harder puzzles involve harder addition fact and missing addend problems.
Missing Subtraction Puzzle
This subtraction puzzle involves choosing suitable digits in a subtraction fact to fulfil different criteria.
It is good for developing trial and improvement strategies as well as subtraction skills.
There are 3 different puzzles available - the easiest puzzle involves subtraction facts to 20. The harder puzzles involve subtraction facts to 30 or 50.
Total Difference Puzzles
These total difference puzzles are a great way to practice addition and subtraction whilst developing thinking and reasoning skills at the same time.
Each puzzle consists of two numbers, a total (addition) and a difference (subtraction).
On the easiest puzzles (sheet 2a), the two numbers are given, and children need to work out their totals and differences.
On the harder puzzles (sheet 2b), only one of the numbers is given, along with the total.
On the hardest puzzles (sheets 2c and 2d), the total and difference are given, and children need to work out what the numbers had to be.
Shape Puzzles
Using shape puzzles is a great way to explore geometry and concepts involving shapes such as recognising shapes in different orientations.
Many of these puzzles will also involve finding all possibilities of a solution and being able to record solutions clearly and systematically.
Using the sheets will help your child to:
These math puzzles printable will also hopefully help to develop accurate drawing and recording skills.
Puzzles at the Math Salamanders
There are also a wide selection of math puzzles printable at the Math Salamanders from 1st to 5th grade.
The puzzles vary greatly in their level of difficulty and the skills involved in solving the puzzles.
Using the link below will open a new browser window in our main Math Salamanders site.
How to Print or Save these sheets
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Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!
How to Print or Save these sheets
Need help with printing or saving?
Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!
Whether you are looking for a free Homeschool Math Worksheet collection, banks of useful Math resources for teaching kids, or simply wanting to improve your child's Math learning at home, there is something here at the Math Salamanders for you!
The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.
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