Number Bonds 2nd Grade Worksheets

(Randomly Generated)

Welcome to our Number Bonds 2nd Grade Worksheets area.

Here you will find our free worksheet generator for generating your own number bonds worksheets aimed at 2nd graders.

If you are looking to create your own custom-made worksheets for practicing number bonds then look no further!

What is Number Bond?

Number bonds are pairs of numbers that add together to make another (larger) number.

Often number bonds are used to help students learn pairs of numbers to reach common number boundaries, such as 10, 20, 50 and 100, etc.

Example: a number bond to 20 might be 16 + 4 = 20

Number bonds can also be used with subtraction facts, so if we know 16 + 4 = 20 then we also know that 20 - 16 = 4 and 20 - 4 = 16.

Number Bonds 2nd Grade

At a 2nd grade level, children should know their number bonds to 20.

They should also be able to fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.

number bonds to 20 image 1

If we look at this part-whole diagram above, we could write down two addition facts related to this number bond to 20, and also 2 subtraction facts.

  • 12 + 8 = 20
  • 8 + 12 = 20
  • 20 - 8 = 12
  • 20 - 12 = 8

However, because the '=' symbol means that the two expressions are equal, we swap the two sides over to write:

  • 20 = 12 + 8
  • 20 = 8 + 12
  • 12 = 20 - 8
  • 8 = 20 - 12

This last set of 4 addition and subtraction facts might seem obvious, but many students often struggle with missing number questions like 8 = 20 - ____.

Using the random sheet generator will allow you to:

  • choose the number range and number of questions you wish the worksheet to use;
  • print the worksheet and a corresponding answer sheet that you have created;
  • quickly generate a new worksheet with the same features.

For optimal printing, please set your margins to zero on your print setup options.

Number Bonds 2nd Grade Worksheet Generator

Here is our random worksheet generator for number bonds worksheets.

Using this generator will let you create worksheets about:

  • Number Bonds with numbers from 10 up to 20;
  • Number Bonds to 30, 50, and 100
  • Number Bonds up to an integer of your own choice.

To create your sheet, try changing values in the boxes below.

Click 'View Sheet' when you would like to see the worksheet you have created.

At a 2nd grade, students should know their number bonds from 10 to 20, and be able to work out bonds to 30 or 50 in their heads.

You can choose whether you want the number bonds questions to involve only addition, only subtraction, or both addition and subtraction (which is the default).

Number Bonds Printable Worksheet Generator

4 Steps to Your Worksheets...

  1. Choose your number values to add up to
  2. Choose the number of questions
  3. View your sheet
  4. Print your sheet

(Optional) Give your worksheet a title.

(Optional) Write out any instructions to go at the top of the sheet.

Number Bond value:


Number of Questions:

Your worksheet will appear below.

worksheet logoA


Other Recommended Math Resources

Here are some of our other related worksheets and resources you might want to look at.

Other Related Worksheet Generators

If you need some randomly generated addition and subtraction fact worksheets then try our addition and subtraction worksheet generators.

Simply choose your values, and let our generator do the rest.

Addition and Subtraction Puzzles

The puzzles in this section mainly focus on adding and subtracting numbers.

The puzzles start with adding and subtracting to 20, and progress on to harder levels and more complex puzzles.

Using the puzzles in this section will help your child to:

  • develop their adding and subtracting skills;
  • develop trial and improvement strategies;
  • improve problem solving skills.

All the sheets in this section will help your child to learn their addition and subtraction facts and become more confident with handling numbers mentally.

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Whether you are looking for a free Homeschool Math Worksheet collection, banks of useful Math resources for teaching kids, or simply wanting to improve your child's Math learning at home, there is something here at the Math Salamanders for you!

The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.

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