This simple game has been designed to help your child to practice their rounding with a range of different numbers.
Step 1) Type your name.
Step 2) Choose your number values.
Step 3) Click Start!
Please give feedback on our Rounding Practice Zone at the bottom of the page.
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In our practice zones, you get the chance to practice your math skills online with instant feedback.
Once you have done a timed quiz, you can see your results and print out your achievements.
The achievement levels are based on the percentage correct and the time taken.
These quizzes are great for...
The quizzes can also be tailored to the specific skills that you want to develop.
You can set each quiz to Individual or Class/Group mode.
Individual Mode
When working in Individual Mode, you can:
Class/Group Mode
When working in Group mode, you can:
In Group Mode, you cannot see how you answered each individual question - you can only see the results for you group.
In Group Mode the settings are locked to prevent any tampering.
If you wish to change the settings, then refresh the page in your browser - you will lose all your data when this happens!
Please note: you must have Javascript enabled on your browser settings for the practice zones to work. If you would like help with this, please use the link below.
Place Value Practice
In our Math Place Value Practice area, you can practice your place value skills, combining thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
You can also test your place value knowledge by entering the value of a given digit in a number.
You can select the numbers you want to practice with, and print out your results when you have finished.
You can also use the practice zone for benchmarking your performance, or using it with a group of children to gauge progress.
Rounding Worksheets
Are you needing to round a range of numbers to the nearest 10,100 or 1000?
Need help rounding to 2dp?
Wanting to round to 3 significant figures and don't know how?
This page will help you understand all about rounding!
Using the link below will open the math salamanders main website in a new browser window.
Rounding to the nearest 10
When you are rounding a number to the nearest 10, you are trying to find out which multiple of 10 your number is closest to.
The golden rule with rounding is that if a number is exactly halfway between two multiples of 10, you always round up.
Using the link below will open the math salamanders main website in a new browser window.
Rounding to the nearest 100
When you are rounding a number to the nearest 100, you are trying to find out which multiple of 100 your number is closest to.
Rounding to the nearest 1000
When you are rounding a number to the nearest 1000, you are trying to find out which multiple of 1000 your number is closest to.
How to Print or Save these sheets
Need help with printing or saving?
Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!
How to Print or Save these sheets
Need help with printing or saving?
Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!
Whether you are looking for a free Homeschool Math Worksheet collection, banks of useful Math resources for teaching kids, or simply wanting to improve your child's Math learning at home, there is something here at the Math Salamanders for you!
The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.
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