Welcome to our Venn Diagram Worksheets page.
Here you will find our selection of free venn diagrams sheets to help you child to practice using simple venn diagrams in a range of contexts.
There are a range of venn diagram word problems on this page from sorting animals, people, shapes and numbers using a range of criteria.
We also have a quick quiz further down the page where you can test your skills online.
A Venn diagram is a way of classifying groups of objects with the same properties.
Typically, a venn diagram has two or three circles that intersect each other.
There is also a space outside the circles where objects that do not fit any of the properties can go.
The diagram below shows you how a venn diagram with two circles works.
Need to practice using venn diagrams?
Looking for some worksheets to help you to classify a range of different objects using venn diagrams?
Then this page should hopefully be what you are looking for!
The worksheets on this page have been split into 3 sections:
Each sheet contains one set of objects and two different venn diagrams to sort the objects with.
There is a progression from easier to harder sheets within each section.
Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:
Sorting Animals and People
Soring Shapes
Sorting Numbers
Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.
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If you are in search of some 2nd grade bar graph worksheets, then check out our selection.
We have a range of worksheets to help you to learn to read, interpret and draw a range of bar graphs and picture graphs.
This quick quiz tests your knowledge and skill at identifying and using venn diagrams to sort objects with a range of different properties here!
How to Print or Save these sheets
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How to Print or Save these sheets
Need help with printing or saving?
Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly!
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